Doserates at 1 minute resolution, based on real-sky measurements from GUV-instruments located at 10 sites in Norway (no substitution of gap periods).

Data are free for scientific, non-commercial purposes, but acknowledgement shall be given to DSA and NILU.

Files labelled UVI_Trondheim_2000.txt etc: UV-index in year 2000 for Trondheim, based on the old CIE-erythemal action spectrum of A.F. McKinlay, A.F. and B.L. Diffey (A reference action spectrum for ultraviolet induced erythema in human skin", CIE Research Note, 6(1), 17-22, 1987).

These files are applied in BAMS-report. Date-time format of samples: YYYYMMDD hh:mm

Files labelled Minutdata_allweightings_Trondheim_2000.txt etc: Doserates from use of 11 different action spectra.

Easier to use date-time format of samples: YYYY NNN.hhhhhhh (year and decimal daynumber).

Calibrations based on the FARIN2005-campaign and annual site visits with a travelling reference GUV instrument.

Groups of station-instruments have participated in 6 QASUME-campaigns (2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014 and 2019).

Interquartile range of UVI-measurements, relative to QASUME for the periode 2003-2019: +/-5 percent.