
CLI argument parser for Janet

Primary LanguageJanetMIT LicenseMIT


A moderately opinionated argument parser for janet. Use this for writing CLI scripts that need to have UNIX style switches and options.


#!/usr/bin/env janet

(import argparse :prefix "")

(def argparse-params
  ["A simple CLI tool. An example to show the capabilities of argparse."
   "debug" {:kind :flag
            :short "d"
            :help "Set debug mode."}
   "verbose" {:kind :multi
              :short "v"
              :help "Print debug information to stdout."}
   "key" {:kind :option
          :short "k"
          :help "An API key for getting stuff from a server."
          :required true}
   "expr" {:kind :accumulate
           :short "e"
           :help "Search for all patterns given."}
   "thing" {:kind :option
            :help "Some option?"
            :default "123"}])

(let [res (argparse ;argparse-params)]
  (unless res
    (os/exit 1))
  (pp res))


Assuming a working install of Janet and jpm, you can install with [sudo] jpm install https://github.com/janet-lang/argparse.git, which will install the latest from master.


Call argparse/argparse to attempt to parse the command line args (available at (dyn :args)).

The first argument should be a description to be displayed as help text.

All subsequent options should be alternating keys and values where the keys are options to accept and the values are definitions of each option.

To accept positional arguments, include a definition for the special value :default. For instance, to gather all positional arguments into an array, include :default {:kind :accumulate} in your arguments to argparse.

Run (doc argparse/argparse) after importing for more information.


This module is licensed under the MIT/X11 License.