
Tiny program for making simple plots (charts)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Quick Little Plot

A tiny little program for making a plot of some data you've put into a text file.

Only tested to run on Xubuntu (Debian-based) GNU/Linux with OpenJDK 6 & 7.


Requires that you have Java installed.

Requires that you download the xchart v1.2.0 jar and drop it into your ~/jars directory.


After you've grabbed the xchart jar and moved it into your ~/jars directory (mentioned above):

  1. Clone this repo, or else click the "ZIP" button above to download.

  2. Compile the code, then build & install the jar:

    cd quick-little-plot
    javac -sourcepath src -d classes -cp ~/jars/xchart-1.2.0.jar src/jmg/Main.java
    jar cvf quick-little-plot.jar -C classes jmg
    cp quick-little-plot.jar ~/bin
  3. Edit quick-little-plot.sh to use your home dir name, then copy it as well to your ~/bin. Make sure it's executable (chmod +x quick-little-plot.sh).


Put some data into a text file named whatever you like (say, "some-data.txt"). One x, y data point per line, but the first line must be the name of the data set:

1.1, 2.4
1.2, 2.7
1.3, 3.1


quick-little-plot.sh "Plot Name" \
                     "x-axis name (units)" \
                     "y-axis name (units)" \

That should produce a some-data-plot.png file for you.

Example Output

See the first example shown at http://xeiam.com/xchart_examplecode.jsp.


Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file).

John Gabriele, 2012