
Recursively concatenate .txt or .md files in the current directory and below.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Recursively concatenate .txt or .md files in the current directory and below.

To install, copy recursive-concat.py to your ~/bin and make it executable:

chmod +x ~/bin/recursive-concat.py

Usage: run the script in a directory containing .txt or .md files. Output goes to stdout, so you'll usually pipe it to an output file located outside the current directory:

recursive-concat.py > ../all-one-page.txt


This is handy to use when you have a directory full of markdown-formatted files which you'd like to process into one big output file. For example, to create a pdf you might use Pandoc, like so:

pandoc all-one-page.txt -s -f markdown+smart \
    -o all-one-page.pdf -V geometry:"margin=0.6in" -V fontsize=12pt


MIT. 2020, John Gabriele. See the accompanying LICENSE file.