
Command line tool to request, download and process Global DEMs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Utility to request, download, and process a user-specified region of the global DEMs available via OpenTopography API


OpenTopography hosts several Global DEM datasets in cloud-optimized formats (https://portal.opentopography.org/apidocs/#/Public/getGlobalDem) and offers a simple, intuitive API to subset these products on demand. This python script provides a high-level interface to submit an API request for a user-specified region of interest. This can be run interactively, or called by other scripts.


> python download_global_DEM.py -h
usage: download_global_DEM.py [-h] [-demtype {SRTMGL3,SRTMGL1,SRTMGL1_E,AW3D30,AW3D30_E,SRTM15Plus,NASADEM,COP30,COP90,EU_DTM,GEDI_L3}] [-extent EXTENT] [-poly_fn POLY_FN] [-apikey APIKEY] [-out_fn OUT_FN]
                              [-out_proj OUT_PROJ]

utility to download global DEMs from opentopo API for a given extent

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Select the DEM intended to be downloaded (default: COP30)
  -extent EXTENT        Bounding box extent in single quotes as 'minx miny maxx maxy' in EPSG:4326 (latitude and longitude)
  -poly_fn POLY_FN      Vector dataset filename containing polygon specifying desired extent.
  -apikey APIKEY        Opentopgraphy API key
  -out_fn OUT_FN        Output filename
  -out_proj OUT_PROJ    Output projection string (default: EPSG:4326)


  • Please create a free account with OpenTopography to receive an API key and pass this to apikey
  • demtype can be any of the global DEMs hosted on opentopography. See link above for latest list.
    • As of June 2023: ['SRTMGL3', 'SRTMGL1', 'SRTMGL1_E', 'AW3D30', 'AW3D30_E', 'SRTM15Plus', 'NASADEM', 'COP30', 'COP90', 'EU_DTM', 'GEDI_L3']
  • The region of interest extent can be defined with a vector polygon (e.g., shapefile, geojson) filename passed to -bound_shp or a rectangular bounding box extent in lat/lon coordinates ('minx miny maxx maxy')
  • To interactively define a region of interest, we recommend geojson.io
    • Draw a rectangular bounding box
    • Copy/paste the output geojson block and save as a .geojson file
    • Pass this .geojson to -bound_shp


  • python 3.8+
  • geopandas
  • requests


Shashank Bhushan, David Shean, Scott Henderson