
Following along .NET Clean Architecture tutorial

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

BuberDinner Project

A follow along project to document .NET workflows.

Starting Projects

dotnet new sln -o BuberDinner
cd BuberDinner
dotnet new webapi -o BuberDinner.Api
dotnet new classlib -o BuberDinner.Contracts
dotnet new classlib -o BuberDinner.Infrastructure
dotnet new classlib -o BuberDinner.Application
dotnet new classlib -o BuberDinner.Domain

In order for us to build the solution, we need to add the projects to the solution.
On Windows:

dotnet sln add (ls -r **\*.csproj)

On Linux:

find ./ -name *.csproj | xargs dotnet sln add
ls -r **/*.csproj | xargs dotnet sln add

Now dotnet bulid will work properly.

Linking Projects
.Api needs to reference .Contracts and .Application

dotnet add ./BuberDinner.Api/ reference ./BuberDinner.Contracts/ ./BuberDinner.Application/
dotnet add ./BuberDinner.Infrastructure/ reference BuberDinner.Application
dotnet add ./BuberDinner.Application/ reference BuberDinner.Domain
dotnet add ./BuberDinner.Api/ reference BuberDinner.Infrastructure

After all the linking is done, we can check the references we added in .sln and .csproj files.

Installing Additional Packages

dotnet add BuberDinner.Application/ package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
dotnet add BuberDinner.Infrastructure/ package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

1 - Project Setup

Purpose of Clean Architecture is to encapsulate domain of concerns within respective layers. In the linking section above, we can see how each layer of the project will interact with each other.

A noteworthy technique to point out in this section is that we made both the Application and Infrastrucure layer to manage its own dependency injections. Normally, we would inject the Authentication service implementation in the Api layer. However, we utilized the DenpendencyInjection.Abstractions package to migrate dependency injection to Application and Infrastructure layer. See code changes and comments on the DependencyInjection.cs files and also in the Program.cs in BuberDinner.Api.

2 - JWT Token Generation

Application Layer will define the interface, while Infrastructure Layer will define the implementation. The wiring of implementation is kept within the Infrastructure Layer.

Additional Packages

dotnet add BuberDinner.Infrastructure/ package System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
dotnet add BuberDinner.Infrastructure/ package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
dotnet add BuberDinner.Infrastructure/ package Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Noteable Techniques We chained Infrastructure dependency injection in Api layer. We used the Configuration Manager in Infrastructure layer to obtain JwtSettings from the Api layer. Find the JwtSetting in appsettings.json files in Api layer.

3 - Repository Pattern

Now we implement the repository pattern for our Authentication Service.

Step 1: Create User Model We create the User model in the Domain project. VS Code shortcut to write out properties in Entity Domain. Type prop and hit tab to generate:

public TYPE Type {get; set;}
public Guid Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
// If we don't specify a Guid, then generate a new Guid
public string FirstName { get; set; } = null!;
// Ctrl + . Use null-forgiving operator
// Tells compiler that this value can be null, to suppress error

Step 2: Create Respository Interface We create the interface IUserRepository at the Application layer, and then inject this interface into the AuthenticationService.cs. Then we need to code the AuthenticationService.cs on how the _userRepository is to be used.

Step 3: Implement Repository We then implement the UserRepository at the Infrastructure layer.

Step 4: Dependency Injection Inject the dependency at the Infrastructure layer, in DependencyInjection.cs. Note: this is done in the previous sections on how we made this possible via the DependencyInjection.Abstractions package.

Note If we add the service as AddScoped it will create a new list for every request. Thus, we have to make the List of Users static.

Refactoring We change the AuthenticationResult to use User entity model, instead of the individual string fields. Then we make the appropriate refactoring in AuthenticationService.cs in Application and AuthenticationController.cs in Api.

We also want the JWT Token Generator to use User entity model as well. We need to refactor:

  • IJwtGenerator.cs in Application
  • JwtGenerator.cs in Infrastructure
  • AuthenticationService in Application