
SOLID principles compliant fizz-buzz

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SOLID fizz-buzz

Fizz-buzz is a typical interview exercise for software developers.

For trivial that it is, it's quite interesting because it can be implemented in several ways, and it can spark interesting discussion with the applicant.

In the domain of OOP, it's interesting to think how a 10 lines of code solution with a raw for-loop can be turned into something complying with SOLID principles, taking also in account testability of the various parts.

Fizz-buzz question statement

The fizz-buzz exercise is well-known, but let's recap it briefly.

Given a list of numbers from 1 to n:

  • If a number is divisible by 3 print fizz
  • If a number is divisible by 5 print buzz
  • If a number is divisible by 3 and by 5 print fizz buzz
  • Print the number itself otherwise

What's SOLID?

SOLID it's an acronym for 5 valuable principles of OOP:

  • Single-responsibility principle: there should never be more than one reason for a class to change; in other words, every class should have only one responsibility
  • Open–closed principle: software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification
  • Liskov substitution principle: functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it
  • Interface segregation principle: clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use
  • Dependency inversion principle: depend upon abstractions, not concretes

Why Java?

Java has been used because it's a strong and statically typed object-oriented programming language.

Those characteristics make the application of SOLID principles evident.

On top of that, Java is the most widespread language sporting such characteristics, so it seems a good fit for a demonstrator.

Exploring SOLID principles with languages such as JavaScript and Python, still OOP languages but with different implementations of the paradigm, might be subjects of dedicated demonstrations.

Implementation plan

Let's start with a brief analysis of the request.

The problem statement talks about number divisibility: divisibility by 3 and 5 is requested, but a quick taught might suggest that this is specific statement of a more general problem. Keeping the typical interview scope, the interviewer might ask to add the case in which for a number divisible by 7 printing stomp is requested. So, the concept of a rule being satisfied seems logical.

Then, the next obvious observation, is that the case of 3 and 5 printing fizz buzz it's a combination of both 3 the case for 3 and the case for 5. So, a case where rules are composable seems logical.

Finally, there's a fallback case, where none of the previously stated rules is satisfied and the plain number should be printed. This could be expressed with a rule as well.

This kind of approach with rules, composite rules and fallback rules seems rather flexible as:

  • All of them are rules, so they can share a common interface
  • Adding an additional case (such as divisible by 7 -> stomp) it's just a matter of adding a base rule to a composite
  • Special cases (such as only for 5 -> FIVE) can be expressed as a chain of fallbacks

Thinking a little bit more to the implementation detail, the problem statement asks to turn condition about numbers to strings. Therefore, the rule can be expressed in two ways:

  • through a interface with a two methods approach, like boolean match(int i) and String replace(int i)
  • through a single method interface using the Optional wrapper, like Optional<String> apply(int i)

Both are legit, with the latter being more concise and more versed in exploiting functional programming with Java Streams. While this second option is a little bit more technical and somewhat more complex to understand for less skilled developers, let's go ahead with it.

On the output side, the question is explicit about printing. Yet, printing is:

  • a completely separated matter from the problem of checking rules against numbers
  • it's the typical side effect that is hard to test
  • might be replaced by some other kind of output

This lead to consider introducing a dedicated result handler interface a sensible choice. A base implementation for it might just print to console while one dedicated to tests might keep results of the rule iterations in memory.

To combine everything together, a solver should take a rule and a result handler to perform the computation from 1 to n.

Implementation comment

After the plan, the implementation is rather straightforward. While explicitly demonstrating SOLID principles and allowing to express rule combination led to a relatively articulated codebase, class and method names are expressive of their role.

A Solver interface was extracted just for the purpose of separating the packages; the actual Solver implementation is named StreamSolver just because internally relies on Java Streams.

About the single-responsibility principle

The single-responsibility principle is demonstrated by separating the three concerns of:

  • Handling the general problem statement, of finding a solution for a set of conditions over a range of numbers and provide an output; this concern is absolved by the StreamSolver class, which is expected to change only if the general problem statement changes; further factoring of the StreamSolver class might be reasonable to further split its concerns but given the limited scope of the problem they were discarded
  • Handling the output is left to implementations of the ResultHandler interface, each one handling it in a very specific way
  • Verifying the conditions is left to Rule interface implementation, that operates on a very simple single method interface

About the open–closed principle

The open–closed principle is demonstrated by using well defined interfaces that are focused, of the right granularity and not concerned about the internals of the implementations.

In this way it's possible to extend classes to enrich the behavior (e.g. FizzRule extending ModuloRule) but it's not possible to override methods to introduce hacky workarounds altering the behavior in rather unpredictable ways.

As a note, someone might be advocating to not use class inheritance at all, just relying on interfaces (and composition) but in that case we might have a very blurred line between the Open-closed principle and the Liskov substitution principle.

About the Liskov substitution principle

This is easily demonstrated by how the Rule interface is used in the StreamSolver, CompositeRule and FallbackRule each accepting different implementations of Rule and using them coherently without any change required on client-side. The rule composition and fallback features are actually entirely based on this principle.

The same is true for the ResultHandler interface used by the StreamSolver, implemented by the ConsoleResultHandler for the main code and by the ListCollectorResultHandler for the tests.

About the interface segregation principle

Interface segregation principle is a little blurry in this example because the interfaces are already very simple and there was no occasion to factor out a complex interface into several simpler ones.

Yet, if we look at the ResultHandler only a void handle(String result) is required. For the tests, a concrete class ListCollectorResultHandler including public methods String getResult(int index) and int size() was implemented: while no explicit Java interface was declared to handle this (it wasn't necessary at all) it's clear that this addition doesn't impact in any way the actual interface of ConsoleResultHandler, not being forced to implement them (as would have made no sense in there).

About the dependency inversion principle

The dependency inversion principle is exploded as:

  • High-level modules should not import anything from low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions (e.g., interfaces).
  • Abstractions should not depend on details. Details (concrete implementations) should depend on abstractions.

This is clearly demonstrated by how the StreamSolver class, which can be seen as a higher-level element of the example, doesn't import anything from the rules and handlers packages just relying on interfaces.

Also, Rule interface implementations rely just on the Rule interface and not on each other.

How to run

The project is managed by Maven, mostly to manage JUnit dependency.

To build, execute:

mvn clean compile

To test, execute:

mvn test

To run

mvn exec:java

Final comment

If you think that this is an overkill solution, well you're right. Minimalism is a valuable principle in software development and no real-world problem as simple as fizz-buzz should be turned this complex unless there's a real need to do so. In this case fizz-buzz was only used as a showcase of how certain principles can be enforced through the constructs of OOP.

Just in case this was not enough for you, be sure to check out
FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition for a laugh.