
API and storage for logging, event and audit messages, persisted in JSON within a PostgreSQL db

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


API and storage for logging event and audit messages, persisted in JSON within a PostgreSQL db, with a thin frontend provided by PostgREST

Event Schema

logserver is agnostic to the format, provided it's valid JSON. Any number of database tables can be used, but only the single "events" table is built in, containing a PostgreSQL JSONB column, "event".

The following suggestions for the format of each "event" entry enable common query syntax and meet expectations.

A distinction is made between "top level" attributes, and those nested under "message". The "message" may be a simple text string, or any level of valid JSON data, intended to capture the intent of the event, such as "new consent signed" or "search for <...> found 0 matches". Message generally captures the specific context from the code of the event being tracked, with all other details collected by a routine that can collect and populate the other top level attributes as specified below.

Since we anticipate that events will undergo automated processing and there is only a single 'message' attribute, it seems likely that a message will have several json attributes, rather than be a simple string. But, either is legal.

The following should be common to all events on a given system:

    "event_version": "1", // the event schema version
    "asctime": "", // ISO-8601 format including time-zone offset
    "name": "", // Application code package name, often built in to the logging system and difficult to manipulate
    "level": "INFO", // Built in to the logging package, options also include DEBUG, WARN, ERROR

System identifiers to uniquely specify the source of the event:

    "clinical-site": "", // unique name when appropriate to define jurisdiction, institution or clinic, such as "UW Harborview",
    "deployment": "", // one of ["dev", "test", "demo", "stage", "prod"]
    "system-type": "", // such as "remote" or "kiosk", if applicable
    "system-url": "", // system identifier URL

Authenticated user, or string identifier for system run jobs, etc.

    "user": "User/1", // alternative nested JSON with attributes is fine; ideally consistent per application

If acting on an identifiable entity "subject":

    "subject": "Patient/12",

List of topics (effectively a message "type" or "reason") useful for filtering:

    "tags": ["patient", "launch", "logout", "search"], // one or more tags

And finally, and details in the message itself, that aren't captured above, nesting any valid JSON within message if appropriate. The details captured in the "message" often come from deep in the application stack, where all of the above isn't so easily obtained.

    "message": "Description of action" // replace string with nested JSON when applicable 

Example event schemas in use for the respective projects:


Copy default.env to .env and edit. Don't quote strings!


Role Access
web_anon read only access to the API
event_logger read / write access to the API

Access via JWT

For write access, generate a JWT at jwt.io

  • Replace secret with the unquoted value of PGRST_JWT_SECRET
  • Replace the PAYLOAD: DATA with the appropriate role
  "role": "event_logger"
  • Do NOT check the secret base64 encoded checkbox
  • Save the Encoded JWT for use, passing as a bearer token:
export TOKEN=<JWT>
curl https://FQDN/events -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"event": {
    "asctime": "2020-04-26 00:33:26,731",
    "name": "sof_wrapper",
    "levelname": "INFO",
    "tags": [
    "subject": "Patient/41703",
    "user": "Practitioner/SMART-1234"

API use

All events posted are available at:


Sample query to fetch all events including login in the list of tags:


Sample query to fetch all events where the patient field equals "marcus aurelius":


Sample query to fetch events for given patient AND tag:


Fetch events based on datetime:


Fetch events based on datetime, and include a number of isacc-specific fields:


See PostgREST API documentation for additional options