
OAuth2 Strategoy for cPRO Common

Primary LanguagePHP


Opauth strategy for cPRO authentication.

Implemented based on http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/ using OAuth2.

Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP.

Demo: http://opauth.org/#github

Getting started

  1. Install Opauth-Cpro-Common:

    cd app/Plugin/Opauth/Strategy 
    git clone https://github.com/uwcirg/opauth-cpro-common.git CproCommon
  2. Register the cPRO application/intervention at the appropriate cPRO Portal URL, i.e. https://mpower.cirg.washington.edu/client

    • Enter Authorized URL: (i.e. the callback URL for the application/intervention being install i.e. http://fqdn/application-path/truenth/oauth2callback
  3. Configure Opauth-Cpro-Common strategy with client_id and client_secret returned from the portal /client request.

  4. Direct user to http://fqdn/application-path/truenth to authenticate

Strategy configuration

Required parameters:

'GitHub' => array(
	'authorize_url' => 'PORTAL AUTHORIZE URL',
	'access_token_url' => 'PORTAL TOKEN URL',
	'base_url' => 'PORTAL API URL',
	'client_id' => 'YOUR CLIENT ID',
	'client_secret' => 'YOUR CLIENT SECRET'

Optional parameters: scope, state


Opauth-Cpro-Common is MIT Licensed
Copyright © 2015 University of Washington