
Back-end for managing coopetitions in the EuroCore.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EuroCore Backend

API for the EuroCore including end-points to manage coopetitions. Used to track teams, robots, and modules for running a coopetition.

How to Run

  • Optional: Create conda environment

      conda create --name eurocore python=3.8
      conda activate eurocore
  • Install requirements

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start API server

      uvicorn euro_core_backend.main:app --reload
  • Try API in web-browser by opening URL indicated by uvicorn (http://localhost:8000/docs)

  • The database is currently SQLite and will be stored in a file called database.db in this folder

Ideas / TODO

  • Safe-delete for tag, relation_type, and entry
  • Delete-everywhere for tag, relation_type, and entry

Data Classes (Database Tables)


Can represent a module, a team, a library, a map, a service on the web, a tutorial, a datasheet, a paper, or anything else deemed useful. Uses tags to describe the type of content and what we can do with it.

  • Name
  • URL
  • Description
  • Tags


Property of an entry. Can represent a standard, file format, type of entry (e.g., Team), robotics key-words.

Naming convention: upper case words, seperated by underscore (_) if needed. Example:

  • Map
  • Robot_Manipulation
  • SLAM

Relation Type

Possible relationship between entries and its inverse. Topics will be used as headers on the web.

  • Name
  • Inverse name
  • Topic
  • Inverse topic

Naming convention: lower case words, seperated by underscore (_) if needed. Example:

  • offers
  • offered_by
  • used_by
  • tutorial_of


Instance of a relation. Connects a relation type to two entries.

  • Relation type id: key of the relation type
  • From id: key of the source entry
  • To id: key of the target entry

Team Tokens

Links a team entry to a token counter for a coopetition.

Module Offer

Links a team entry to a module entry as an offer in a coopetion.

  • team_id
  • module_id
  • cost: token cost of the module
  • integration_support: indicates if offering team offers integration support
  • integration_cost: token cost of integration support

Module Usage

Indicates that a team used a module offer by another team.

  • consumer_team_id
  • module_offer_id
  • bought: if the module was bought
  • bought_support: if support was bought
  • using: if the module is in use
  • rating: a rating
  • review: a review (up for 500 characters)

Implementation Notes

Splitting Data Classes

Data classes are split into up to three classes (depending on the need). For instance for Entry we have:

  • EntryBase: basic data used for creation (does not include the database key which will be created for us)
  • Entry: inherits from RobotBase only adding robot_id as a primary key. This class will be the actual table
  • EntryUpdate: all fields are optional so we can update any part of an entry without having to specify the old values



This work is part of the euROBIN project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No 101070596. See https://www.eurobin-project.eu/