
website for the UW Myria project

Primary LanguageCSS

Myria Website

Website for the UW myria project.

See the site in action at myria.cs.washington.edu.

How to make changes

Warning: do not edit the subfolders in docs/.../
docs/index.md is okay to edit.

  • clone this repo
  • install jekyll. Don't forget to install a javascript engine, e.g. sudo apt-get install nodejs.
  • run jekyll jekyll serve --watch --baseurl '' to see your changes on your local machine
  • submit changes to go on the Myria website by submitting a pull request by committing and pushing your changes

If jekyll throws a version error, you may need to gem install json before serving.

If you receive a weird "Load Error", try sudo -H gem install jekyll jekyll-paginate.

Updating subfolders of docs/

These subfolders are copied from the docs inside the Myria stack's repos. You can update them by running the script: ./subtree-pull.sh. Please make sure you have no uncommitted changes to files before runnning the script.

To add docs from a new repository, please follow the format inside subtree.config.

Add a project

To add a project, add a new file in projects/_posts similar to the exisiting ones. Your project will be automatically added to the main projects page.