Compilation and rule-based optimization framework for relational algebra. Raco is the language, optimization, and query translation layer for the Myria project.
- 7andrew7OctoML
- bailudingMicrosoft Research
- billhoweUniversity of Washington
- bmyerzUniversity of Iowa, Computer Science
- BrandonHaynesMicrosoft Gray Systems Lab
- dansuciu
- eafurst
- eemailme
- gmbender
- jhcloos
- jhyrkasUniversity of California San Diego
- jonike
- jortiz16
- jtommaney1independent
- lbrendanl
- ljorr1
- mbalazin
- parmitam
- pkoutrisUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- senderistaGaia Platform
- shbae
- shubhshFredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
- slxuSunnyvale
- strategist922Microsoft
- sudroyGoogle
- TheYorkWei
- tomerk