
Demo Flask-Login and Flask-Migrate code

Primary LanguagePython

Demo User App

This demo app demonstrates the use of Flask-Login for a simple login system for a Flask application.


Note: This app uses a PostgreSQL database along with Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-Migrate.

To begin using this app you can do the following:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Create a Python virtual environment e.g. python -m venv venv (or python3 -m venv venv)
  3. Enter the virtual environment using source venv/bin/activate (or .\venv\Scripts\activate if you are using Windows)
  4. Install the dependencies using Pip. e.g. pip install -r requirements.txt. Note: Ensure you have PostgreSQL already installed and a database created.
  5. Copy the .env.sample file and rename to .env. Edit the file and enter your database credentials and database name.
  6. Run the migrations by typing flask db upgrade
  7. Ensure you add a user to your database to test the login system.
  8. Start the development server using flask --app app --debug run.