
Demo app for LTAGS

Primary LanguagePHP


This a demo app for Ltags package. The goal is to show an example application using the package. In this case, we use Ltags to tag posts, which can be use to categorize, organize, and filter the posts.

Running locally

To get this demo up and running, clone this repository and execute the commands:

  1. Install composer and docker, it not already installed
  2. Install the vendor dependencies with composer require
  3. Bring up the container with docker-compose up --detach --build
  4. Set up the database with docker exec app php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

The application should be running on localhost:8000; the container name being app. You can tweak those settings in docker-compose.yml


Here is a basic REST API to showcase how it works:

method       route                                    action
GET|HEAD     api/post .................post.index   › PostController@index
POST         api/post .................post.store   › PostController@store
GET|HEAD     api/post/{post} ..........post.show    › PostController@show
PUT|PATCH    api/post/{post} ..........post.update  › PostController@update
DELETE       api/post/{post} ..........post.destroy › PostController@destroy
POST         api/post/tagged ...................... › PostController@taggedBy
POST         api/post/tagged_all................... › PostController@taggedByAll

There are two routes of interest here.First, the GET api/post route gives the posts along with their tag. Use curl, httpie or any other utils to get them:

httṕ localhost:8000

The POST api/post/tagged route expects to receive as form input a field called tags, which must be an array of strings with the name of the tags. Here is an example:

http localhost:8000/api/post/tagged tags:='["php", "laravel"]'

In the above example, the API will return the posts that are tagged either by php or laravel. To get tagged by both, do:

http localhost:8000/api/post/tagged_all tags:='["php", "laravel"]'