
Framework for sharing configuration across POSIX shells (bash, sh, zsh)

Primary LanguageShell


Shelf is a minimalistic shell framework to share configuration across different shells (bash, sh, zsh, and possibly others) in a organized manner.

It splits related shell configurations in files:

  • profile: primary script which loads other configurations.
  • functions: user-defined functions and utilities.
  • login: script to run after first login.
  • env: environment variables.
  • aliases: custom shell aliases.
  • plugins/: directory with shell-specific plugins.
  • completion/: directory with shell-specific completions.
  • keybindings/: directory with shell-specific keybindings.
  • private/: private user configuration.

The profile script runs first and loads other script in the following order: login, env, aliases, functions. It then loads private user scripts in the private/ directory (these ones should not be tracked by version control systems). After having figured out the current shell (bash, sh, or zsh), it loads scripts specific to that shell located in the directories completion/, keybindings/, and plugins/.

For example, if shell is bash, it could load:

  • completion/fzf.bash,
  • completion/racket.bash
  • keybindings/fzf.bash
  • plugins/kitty.bash
  • plugins/nvm.bash
  • plugins/zoxide.bash

If it is zsh, it could load:

  • completion/fzf.zsh,
  • keybindings/fzf.zsh
  • plugins/per-directory-history.zsh
  • plugins/zoxide.zsh

The files on those directories must have been previously added by the user.

The goal of this directory structure is to keep shell configuration organized.


Copy the files to a folder:

mkdir ~/.config && cd ~/.config
git clone https://github.com/uwla/shelf shell

Then, source the main profile in your .zshrc or .bashrc:

. ~/.config/shell/profile

You could also create symlinks:

ln -s ~/.config/shell/profile ~/.bashrc

Now, instead of configuring .bash_aliases or .zshrc, you can modify ~/.config/shell/aliases to configure aliases for any shell. The same goes for other configurations.


I made this minimalistic shell framework because I was asked repeated times to share my shell configuration files. I did not want to directly share my dot files due to private configuration, so I made a few adjustments in order to make it sharable, and turned it into reusable code for those interested in it.


Contributions are welcome.