- AbnerCodeXiDian University
- algunionRomania
- chinakook
- chrishokampAYLIEN
- Das-BootUniversity of Macau
- donglixpMicrosoft Research
- eecrazyHIT-SCIR
- essie-chiangIBM
- eveliao
- fanfannothing百度
- fanglinchenCarnegie Mellon University
- fdulcgBAT
- fly51flyPRIS
- GavinXing
- gnmarten
- hammad7
- hwjiang1510
- IMNearthFudan University
- jdc08161063
- moheoSeoul National University
- probe2JiNan,China
- sarnthilalcemy
- SeekPoint
- shixingUniversity of Southern California & Tsinghua University
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- skrish13India
- sunnybest1990
- thomwolf@huggingface
- tony-hongSaarland University
- xixizxxZhejiang University
- Xun-YangHefei
- yangapkuPeking Univ.
- yizhongwUniversity of Washington
- ZeweiChuGoogle
- zhhongzhi
- zxlzrearth