
Twitter crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Getting started

Set this environment variables (try https://direnv.net/)

# default connection for dev
export SCRAPER_PG_USER=postgres
export SCRAPER_PG_HOST=localhost
export SCRAPER_PG_DATABASE=postgres
export SCRAPER_PG_PORT=5432
# start postgres
; docker-compose up

# in another terminal
; cd scraper
; pipenv install
; pipenv run python admin.py start
; pipenv run python admin.py submit-jobs [usernames go here]


  • Deploy runner in lambda for unauthenticated jobs
  • Deploy runner on something with stable IP for authenticated jobs


just build-lambda

NB: the official amazon linux image for python 3.9 has like, years-old hardcoded amazon forks of official yum repos baked in so you can't get up-to-date libraries in some cases (notable libpq), so this uses a custom image. Instead of building in the lambda emulator, you should do this for testing lambda locally:

  1. Follow steps to download the emulator for your architecture here
  2. Start postgres docker-compose up -d
  3. Find the docker compose network with docker network
  4. Start the lambda container with the emulator mounted like this
docker run \
    --rm -it \
    # you must be in the correct compose network or this
    # db host will not resolve!
    -e SCRAPER_PG_HOST=db \
    -e SCRAPER_PG_USER=postgres \
    -e SCRAPER_PG_DATABASE=postgres \
    -e SCRAPER_PG_PORT=5432 \
    # path to your emulator download goes before the colon
    -v ~/.aws-lambda-rie:/aws-lambda \
    -p 9000:8080 \
    # entrypoint changed to the emulator
    --entrypoint /aws-lambda/aws-lambda-rie \
    twitterscraper:lambda \
    /usr/local/bin/python -m awslambdaric lambda.handler