
Documentation website for applications from Scheduling Workbox System team: Detailed and user-friendly user guides

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Documentation website for Scheduling Workbox System

Welcome to the sws2apps-docs repository! This repository serves as a centralized hub for all documentation related to the sws2apps team and our various applications.

Repository Overview

The repository is divided into two main sections:

  1. organized: Organized App guide: This section contains comprehensive guides for each of our applications. The guides are organized into different folders based on the application they pertain to. Each folder contains a custom.css file for styling and a /docs folder where you can find "How to use" guide articles

  2. orgs: sws2apps team documentation: Similar to the app's related guide section, this directory has its own folder with a custom.css file and a /docs folder for articles.

Creating a New Article

To create a new article, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose the appropriate folder for your article. If a suitable category doesn't exist, feel free to create a new category folder.

  2. Inside the chosen folder, create a new .md file. This file will serve as your article.

  3. Write your article using standard Markdown formatting. Adding screenshots is highly welcome.

  4. Once you've finished writing, submit a pull request. Our team will review your article and, upon approval, merge it into the main repository. Your article will then be added to the website.

May I contribute?

We welcome contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please take a moment to review our contribution guidelines above. This will help ensure that your contributions can be accepted and merged as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue or reach out to us directly. We're always here to help!

Happy documenting!