
The backend for TDDbin.com

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TDDbin.com backend

TDDbin - for getting hooked to TDD in no time

First time setup

  1. In order to setup python, django, mysql, etc. run ./setup-local-dev-python-env.sh. This will create a directory python-env containing all necessary packages.
  2. In there . ./python-env/bin/activate will start the environment where you should then start the django server in, see below.
  • make sure to have started mysql (e.g. using mysqld_safe) and created a database (e.g. named 'tddbin')
  • create the initial DB content python src/manage.py syncdb; python src/manage.py migrate

In case the setup in step 1) fails, try this:

  • install mysql-python, i.e. using pip install MySQL-python (may need to use sudo)
  • make sure mysql_config is in the path

Local development

To run the web site (using the django dev server), do the following

  • make sure to have started mysql (e.g. using mysqld_safe)
  • from this directory run . ./python-env/bin/activate to switch into the virtualenv provided for this project
  • to start the webserver do python src/manage.py runserver_plus or less verbose python src/manage.py runserver

From this time on I always control the app from this terminal, so I am in the right python-env (the virtual env for this app's setup).

Manage the python packages

The requirements.txt is the file that must contain all packages installed for the app. Please make also sure to remove the according package if the code is changed that way that it is not needed anymore.

In order to add a new package, I always do:

  • pip install <package-name> which installs it into the current env (make sure to have activated the python-env!)
  • then I type pip freeze and copy out only that packages name incl. the version and paste it into the requirements.txt The string I am copying might look like this django-cors-headers==0.13

This way I am sure it gets the latest version at the point in time when I install it (which actually also made me use django 1.7 a day before it was announced :)).

I am sure there is a nicer, simpler way to do that (ala '--save' as in npm), please let me know.

DB setup

  • pip install mysql-python
  • in your mysql console CREATE DATABASE tddbin DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

To sync your database

  • python src/manage.py migrate

DB schema migrations, since django 1.7 included (no need for South anymore)

When you have changed a model and want to synchronize the DB, run:

  1. cd <your-projects-dir>/tddbin-backend make sure you are in the right dir
  2. python src/manage.py makemigrations generate the migration code for the model change you just made
  3. python src/manage.py migrate migrate the DB, which plays all changes on top of the current DB


How to run the django tests?

  • cd tddbin-backend/src and
  • clear; python ./src/manage.py test core tddbin --noinput

???????????????????? old stuff below (copied from tddbin.com)

????????????????????????????????? fixes needed from here, when the structure has all this stuff ... GitHub auth setup

Forgot your password?

Open the django shell: `python src/manage.py shell`
and in there do the following

>>> from tddbin_com.models import User
>>> me = User.objects.get(username='wolframkriesing')
>>> me.set_password('1')
>>> me.save()

Start a local email server

python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025


  • When running the tests I get "address already in use". What can I do? Maybe chromedriver that is used by selenium has not terminated correctly. Call killall chromedriver on the command line and you should be fine.