
Repo for Docker image of kops

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Repo for Docker image of kops to run Kuberentes cluster on AWS

Inlcudes kops, kubectl and awscli

Running the container

Create a directory called "kops" (or whatever you want) somewhere on you local machine For this example, there is a "kops" directory on the local machine's $HOME dir at ~/kops

docker run -id --name=awksed_kops --hostname=awksed-kops -v ~/kops:/root/kops awksed/awksed-kops

Logon to the container

docker exec -it awksed_kops bash
cd /root/kops 

Create your [deployment|service|*].yaml files in /root/kops. If you remove the container at a later time, anything you placed in /root/kops will persist on your local machine's "kops" directory since we ran the docker container with the -v flag.

Follow the documentation to build your first cluster
