
C++14 network/graph visualization library / Qt node editor.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Build linux master Build linux develop Build win64 master Build win64 develop

Documentation License Twitter URL

QuickQanava is a C++14 library designed to display graphs and relational content in a Qt/QML application. QuickQanava provide QML components and C++ classes to visualize medium-sized directed graphs in a C++/QML application. QuickQanava focus on displaying relational content into a dynamic user interface with DnD support, resizable content and visual creation of topology. More advanced layouts algorithms might be integrated in future versions.

QuickQanava main repository is hosted on GitHub: http://cneben.github.io/QuickQanava/index.html

QuickQanava is primarily developed for Linux with Qt 5.15 with MSVC2017 and g++7.5 (minimal required Qt version is Qt 5.10, recommended is Qt 5.15.2)

For any questions, please contact: benoit@destrat.io

QuickQanava focus on writing content delegates in QML (even if they could be 100% defined in C++, a QML engine is still necessary in the background).

QuickQanava Showcase


Curved-Straight Edges

Nodes: User Doc: QuickStart - Custom Nodes

Custom content

Visual Connector: User Doc: QuickStart - Visual Connector

Visual Connector

Groups: User Doc: QuickStart - Using Groups


Styles: User Doc: QuickStart - Using Styles

Custom styles


GitHub Contributors Image

  • @kwallner / Conan.io and CMake configuration
  • @Letrab / Edge configuration
  • @machinekoder / QML plugin and CMake configuration
  • @NielsBillen / Ports support and stability fixes
  • @walterbrebels
  • @chesnoksatan / Major connector feature, build configuration



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