
java webapp for tracking ward home and visiting teaching

Primary LanguageJava

webapp for home and visiting teaching

user functionality
  • login with credentials
  • edit login credentials
  • view and edit own family information (contact info, family members & contact info)
  • view own companionship and home teaching families
  • record and edit visits for assigned families by month
  • provide feedback
admin functionality (in addition to user functionality)
  • view, add, and edit all families for assigned organization(s)
  • view, add, and edit all companionships for assigned organization(s)
  • view, add, and edit all users for assigned organization(s) - note: never have access to user passwords, which are salted and hashed in db
  • view consolidated visit history for specified number of months
  • view dashboards
  • view feedback
  • java
  • html5
  • css3
  • javascript
  • spring & spring mvc for the overall framework
  • hibernate & mysema querydsl for querying
  • apache commons for lots of stuff
  • jquery for front end manipulation/validation/etc
  • bootstrap 3 for responsive ui
  • datatables for ui tables
  • d3.js for data visualization
  • bcrypt for security
  • if using mysql db, use the tables.sql file under the db folder for the necessary tables
  • regardless of db type, update the app-common, app-local, and app-prod .properties(.changeme) files with your application info