This code implements Recurrent Neural Network (RNN, GRU and LSTM) and their Bidirectional versions (BiRNN, BiGRU, BiLSTM) in Python using Theano, the code is generic and therefore can be applied to any sequence modelling task, however, as an example I have applied these models on word & character level language modelling.
- Theano
import nltk
packages = ['punkt']
- Andrej Karpathy's awesome blog post on RNN
- Christopher Olah's blog post on LSTM
- Generating Text with Recurrent Neural Networks - Ilya Sutskever
- Alex Graves PHD thesis
- Gated Feedback Recurrent Neural Networks - Chung et al.
- Long Short-Term Memory - Hochreiter & Schmidhuber
- Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks - Schuster & Paliwal
The code structure and code iteself is fairly straight forward and could be understood in the first glimpse.
All input data is stored inside the data/
directory. There is already a dummy data which is in-fact excerpts from 'Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche'. Karpathy have provided few more datasets which are worth trying.
If you'd like to use your own data then create a single file input.txt
and place it in the data/
directory. For example, data/input.txt
provide methods to read both by 'character by character' read_char_data(..)
or by 'word by word' read_word_data(..)
, for the given input data. Word level language modelling is usually more accurate, however, character level language modelling often generates more interesting words/patterns. Both of above methods need seq_length
which determines the length of each stream i.e one training sample, therefore, it specifies the limit at which the gradients can propagate backwards in time and model cannot learn dependencies longer than the seq_length
in number of characters/words.
provides a convenient method train(..)
to train each model, you can select the recurrent model with the rec_model
parameter, it is set to gru
by default (possible options include rnn
, gru
, lstm
, birnn
, bigru
& bilstm
), number of hidden neurons in each layer (at the moment only single layer models are supported to keep the things simple, although adding more layers is very trivial) can be adjusted by n_h
parameter in train(..)
, which by default is set to 100. As the model is trained it stores the current best state of the model i.e set of weights (best = least training error), the stored model is in the data\models\MODEL-NAME-best_model.pkl
, also this stored model can later be used for resuming training from the last point or just for prediction/sampling. If you don't want to start training from scratch and instead use the already trained model then set use_existing_model=True
in argument to train(..)
Also optimization strategies can be specified to train(..)
via optimizer
parameter, currently supported optimizations are rmsprop, adam and vanilla stochastic gradient descent
and can be found in utilities\
, learning_rate
, n_epochs
in the train(..)
specifies the 'base path to store model' (default = data\models\
), 'initial learning rate of the optimizer', and 'number of epochs respectively'.
During the training some logs (current epoch, sample, cross-entropy error etc) are shown on console to get an idea of how well learning is proceeding, logging frequency can be specified via logging_freq
in the train(..).
At the end of training, a plot of cross-entropy error vs # of iterations
gives an overview of overall training process and is also stored in the b_path
One can sample from the model (during training or from the trained model) via model.generative_sampling(..)
by providing the initial seed
which could be a random element (word/character) from the vocabulary, emb_data
which is just the embeddings of our vocabulary (in our case it's just one-hot-encoding) and sample_length
which is the length of the sample it-self. Frequency of sampling can be specified via sampling_freq
in the train(..)
Note: In theano the only efficient way of implementing sequence models is by using scan
, which provides a very convenient interface to iterate over tensors, for training everything is good, however, difficulty arises when sampling from the model in-cases where output at every time-step is input to the next time step, in such cases we cannot use the scan
we used for training because we have to call scan multiple times and each call to scan initializes the hidden-to-hidden state vector h0
from zero, which means that while sampling we are ignoring hidden state from previous steps which is very wrong, the ugly fix is to write another scan which will be executed only once per sample, let it run till sample_length
and make hidden-state & output at every time-step recurrent by specifying them in the outputs_info
, generative_sampling(..)
does exactly this.
Few of the samples I got from GRU while training 'Beyond Good and Evil' (only 49.4 KB) for 600 epochs are:
. and with one's belief in his nothing else is personal something part of yourself--the secont cause and eton end minists in the heart of the sensation of the condition of same will there and to be an
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The samples might not look very impressive, however, notice it's just a character level language modelling (it is just reading one character at a time and it only read 50 characters at once), the model does learn some words, some combination of words and some linguistic patterns like closing of quotes, commas, full stop, new line etc. Also, I was only able to train on a very small sample of 49.4 KB, more data and longer sequence length
will definitely results in more interesting samples/sentences.
And here's the error plot (the error was still decreasing but I had to stop training as I did not wanted to burden my poor laptop beyond it's capacity).
If you are interested in minimal code, then browse to an older version of this repository.