
Quizes & Examples & Home works >> Ankara University

Primary LanguageC

C Examples at Ankara University Season I

Project Name Project Description
Prime Number.c This program calculates the number prime or not
Garage Time Calculator.c Firts 3 hours is 2$, after 3 hours in a day every hours is 0.50$ and in a day maximum price is 10.0$
Over Coin Game.c his c program gives you one chance for guess the flipped coin which is flipped by computer with random function
Greathest Lowest division.c This program calculates the divisior biggest and lowest
Vowels counter.c This program counters vowels in the statemes, which is given by user, and write the histogram
Recursive function 1-2.c These programs are example for the recursion
Guess Number This game gives the 5 chance for you may guess the number, which is guessed by computer
R3C5 Searching Array.c This program gets 15 input from the array and search minimum and maximum value
unsorted and search values.c This program takes 10 + 1 integer values and search in the position (not index) in the values, which is sorted by the functions
binary.c This program searching value with binary search algorithm, values are predefined by programmers
Concrate two string.c This c program concrate string1 with string2.
Copy String With Pointer and Array Notation.c String 1 will copy String 2 with pointer notation and String 3 with array notation.
StringLenght.c Calculate the string length with function.
Strncpy Imitation.c N character will add at last from string1 to string2.
Which is lager.c If the String1 and String2 have equal characters will return 0, if String1 greater than String2 return 1, otherwise -1.
Detail Chapter 8 Examples.c This program has some librariy functions to how to use.
ToUpper.c This program has codes form toupper function.
End Date: 16.1.2019 This repository has many c program than up side. Good luck..