
Simple Email sender with Gmail

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Email sender with Gmail.


How to Use

Really simple. Just set several terms and send, thats all.

from gmail_sender import GmailSender

from_address = "sender@gmail.com" # please rewirte as you like.
password = "password"
to_address = "someone@gmail.com" # please rewrite as you like
subject = "Here is subject"
body = "Here is body"

sender = GmailSender(from_address, password)
sender.send(to_address, subject, body, attach_lst=[])

You can send Email multiple time without login.

for i in range(5):
    subject = f"No.{i} Email."
    body = ("Hello_" * i).strip("_")
    sender.send(to_address, subject, body, attach_lst=[])

If you want to attach some files, you can do by settings attach_lst as follows, (currently only supported jpeg, jpg and png extension)

subject = "Here is subject"
body = "Please confirm an attached file."
sender.send(to_address, subject, body, attach_lst=["path/to/image.jpg", "/path/to/image2.jpg"])