Heroku no longer provides free deployment with PostgreSQL, so this is unfortunately down
This web application is powered by Flask to allow for easy and simple chatting among computer science students and enthusiasts.
Computing Chat
My main goal of this project was to get in depth familiarity with full stack web development from aspects like deployment, back end, customer security and more. Alongisde this I wanted to use this project as a way to learn more about Python and python development. As a side note, while source code includes working functionality to add rooms. The final publication does not include it for to prevent inappropriate content
- Full user registration, login and authentication system.
- Allows for custom room creation
- Real time messagin with other users implemented using websockets (flask_socketio)
- Website security features like, password hashing, authentication before accessing chat and hiding source data/URLs
Front-End: HTML, CSS, Javascript (Vanilla)
Back-End: Flask, Jinja, SQL Alchemy
Database: PostgreSQL
Server/Host: Heroku