Statistics Lab Notes for MATH 2820L
This is the set of notes I used in teaching the statistics lab at Vanderbilt University in Fall '16 and Spring '17. The class met for 1-hour a week for a total of 12 weeks, hence the notes are not intended to cover every detail in R programming. Instead, I focused on the most widely used tools in current R community (highly opinionated) that will help new R users without prior programming experience start their data analysis projects. The notes are produced with R markdown and output as .html files.
- Lab 1: Visualization with ggplot2
- Lab 2: Basic commands/data types in R
- Lab 3: Data transformation with dplyr
- Lab 4: Simple examples of exploratory analysis
- Lab 5-6: Linear regression
- Lab 7-8: Classification with logistic regression and KNN
- Lab 9-11: Model assessment