
Codeable Models aims to provide an easy-to-use API for coding software design models akin to UML models, but radically simplified compared to the UML2 meta-model.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Codeable Models

Codeable Models aims to provide an easy-to-use API for coding software design models akin to UML models, but radically simplified compared to the UML2 meta-model. That is, the API allows you to create metaclasses, classes, objects, stereotypes and their dependencies. The main envisaged use case is at the moment to create domain models in your code at runtime and generate visual representations of those models for human users.

We use PlantUML and Graphviz in our projects for such visual representations; see folder plant_uml_renderer for simple class and object model renderers.

The folder metamodels contains a couple of example metamodels.

Getting Started

As the project introduces fairly standard modeling abstractions, it should be possible to get started based on the samples. Detailed examples will be added as the project matures. For the time being, search the test cases for use of API elements that are not clear from the interfaces.

Prerequisites / Installing

The project - by purpose - only uses plain Python. So there are no requirements to get the project up and running.

Nosetest is required for executing the test cases. Find installation instructions under: Nosetest

Running the tests

Execute nosetests either in the main directory of the project or in ./tests. The test files contained in this directory comprise the test suite.

On Unix, please be aware that nosetests does not consider executable files. If running the tests fails, make sure that the scripts in tests are not executable, e.g., run: chmod -x $(find . -name '*.py') in tests.

Building the documentation

To build the documentation Sphinx and the extensions configured in docsrc/source/conf.py need to be installed first, e.g. using pip.

The documentation is built in the folder docsrc. Use make html to build the html pages into the subfolder build, and make docs to copy the build into the docs folder. The distribution contains the latest built of the documentation in the docs folder.

The documentation can also be found at: Github Pages Documentation


No specific instructions so far; simply import from the codeable_models module like:

from codeable_models import CMetaclass, CClass, CObject, CAttribute, CException, CEnum, CStereotype

Built With


Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md] for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
