"# TODO: write specialized test sequence" l. 49 in data/dsec/provider.py
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello Mathias,
I appreciate ur work a lot! We want to use some elements of the paper for research in the field of industrial sorting (Fraunhofer IOSB / KIT, Germany). The aim is to find a tracking algorithm that can give speed and orientation of particles during a short period of flight.
Firstly, I want to have a deep understanding of the code. In this order I want to train and val on my own. Currently, there is no validation/test for DESC implemented, as also stated in the readme. I wonder what "specialized" exactly means in this context. Maybe u can give me some more details and I can contribute by coding this sequence.
Many thanks in Advance!
mail: ln4965@kit.edu
Have you obtained the code for testing and evaluating DSEC?