
What would be best value of num_event_per_pixel for DAVIS346?

PyoSH opened this issue · 0 comments

PyoSH commented

Hi! thanks for sharing this excellent work.
I'm using DAVIS346, and I'm curious about the calculation of the num_event_per_pixel parameter.

In Readme, there is an explanation about it.
--num_events_per_pixel (default: 0.35): Parameter used to automatically estimate the window size based on the sensor size. The value of 0.35 was chosen to correspond to ~ 15,000 events on a 240x180 sensor such as the DAVIS240C.

I thought I would calculate in num_event_per_pixel= 15000 / (width * height) so my value was approximately 0.17.
And I did reconstruction using this value, but the result wasn't that good enough.

Is there another way to calculate the value of this parameter?

these are my used options:--auto_hdr, --num_events_per_pixel 0.17