
Stereo camera launch failed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello everyone, I use SVO2 in stereo mode(without IMU). Here is my stereo camera calibration file:

  • camera:
    cols: 1
    rows: 4
    data: [-0.3321920298358194, 0.1047044621854059, 0.003132906729067026, -0.002535682618479629]
    type: radial-tangential
    image_height: 480
    image_width: 752
    cols: 1
    rows: 4
    data: [483.0500651879798, 485.226588991044, 383.7668152619602, 228.5179979149652]
    label: /stereo/left/image_raw_rect
    line-delay-nanoseconds: 0
    type: pinhole
    cols: 4
    rows: 4
    data: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.04906,
    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    serial_no: 26806343
    calib_date: 2017-09-28
    description: 'left cam'
  • camera:
    cols: 1
    rows: 4
    data: [-0.3401181742329858, 0.1078699763855546, 0.001720717514928077, -0.002231990907669751]
    type: radial-tangential
    image_height: 480
    image_width: 752
    cols: 1
    rows: 4
    data: [482.7896578019205, 484.857136549844, 368.2088864146847, 238.6195243498441]
    label: /stereo/right/image_raw_rect
    line-delay-nanoseconds: 0
    type: pinhole
    cols: 4
    rows: 4
    data: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.04906,
    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    serial_no: 26806357
    calib_date: 2017-09-28
    description: 'right cam'
    label: bluefox2_stereo

The T_B_C is not exactly calibrated. I can't launch stereo launch mode successfully, here is the display message:
[ INFO] [1538040939.943552164]: Found parameter: cam0_topic, value: /stereo/left/image_raw_rect
[ INFO] [1538040939.956717985]: Found parameter: cam1_topic, value: /stereo/right/image_raw_rect
[ INFO] [1538040943.766738950]: /stereo: Initializing reconfigure server
[ INFO] [1538040943.768499335]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/uavlab/.ros/camera_info/mv_26806343.yaml
[ INFO] [1538040943.881733856]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/uavlab/.ros/camera_info/mv_26806357.yaml
[ INFO] [1538040943.892050119]: DepthFilter: RESET.
[ INFO] [1538040943.892151203]: DepthFilter: RESET.
[ERROR] [1538040943.907436868]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.
[ERROR] [1538040943.959398021]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.
[ERROR] [1538040943.994905877]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.
[ERROR] [1538040944.054005901]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.
[ERROR] [1538040944.088357084]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.
[ERROR] [1538040944.124202692]: Initialization failed. Not enough triangulated points.

Could anyone help me? Thank you!!!

Hey shmm91, The same problem takes place by me. Have you solved that problem. Any help is much appreciated!