Career Goals Reflection

Personal Information

  • Name: UZILE 'uzi' NCUBE
  • Date: 17 MAY 2023
  • Current Role/Position: Honours Organisational Psychology (UCT)
  • Field of Interest: Health, Agriculture, Technology and Business.

Part 1: Self-Assessment Reflection

  1. Skills Analysis:

    • Current Skills:
      • Problem solving: Creative and outside the box thinking.
      • Researching and finding creative solutions to challenges.
      • Multitalented in various areas including marketing, Basic website design, brand Building, and Sound production.
      • Digital designing and working freelance on marketing campaigns.
      • Gaining experience with prototyping using tools like Figma and involvement in software to development as a junior in a startup.
    • Skills I need to develop or improve:
      • Advanced coding and software development skills.
      • enhance project management and organisational skills.
      • knowledge medicine and healthcare initiatives.
      • agricultural practices and livestock for farming.
      • Asking for help.
    1. Interests and Values:
      • Key interests:
        • Learning new things implying acquired skills in various projects.
        • engaging in creative and problem solving activities.
        • exploring the fields of medicine, agriculture, commerce and software development.
        • developing accessible programs and platforms for remote African areas.
        • combining technology with agriculture to innovate farming practices, more specially in Botswana and Zimbabwe.
      • Important values in the work environment:
        • opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth.
        • creative freedom and innovation.
        • making a positive impact on society.
        • working in a supportive and inclusive environment.
        • considering a humanistic and ethical approach to work, inspired by my personal faith.

    Part 2: Career Exploration Insights

    1. Industries and Roles Explored:
      • Industries or rules considered:
        • Organisational psychology and its application in various fields.
        • medicine and healthcare initiatives.
        • software development and integration with agriculture.
        • agricultural practices, particularly livestock farming.
        • marketing in brand development.
      • Areas of interest:
        • integration of psychology with creative and technical fields.
        • developing accessible healthcare and educational platforms for remote areas.
        • combining software development with innovative techniques.
    2. Alignment with Personal Profile:
      • Alignment with skills, interests and values:
        • I believe my diverse skills and creative problem solving align with rules in organisational psychology, software development, agriculture, and healthcare initiatives.
        • I'd like to believe my values of continuous learning, innovation, society impact line with industries focused on humanistic and development.
      • Gaps or areas for further expiration:
        • gaining more technical expertise encoding and software development
        • acquiring knowledge and medicine and healthcare initiatives
        • understanding agricultural practices and livestock farming.

    Part 3: SMART Career Goals

    1. Short-term Goals (Next 1-2 years):
      • Complete my honours in Organisational psychology:
        • specific: finish this current program
        • measurable: obtaining my degree
        • achievable: staying focused on my studies and Manage time effectively.
        • relevant: it's a step in my career path.
        • Time bound: within the next year.
      • Obtain my coding and software development certificate:
        • specific: finish my current program
        • measurable: 6 to 12 months
        • achievable: dedication to every weeks tasks and engagement
        • relevant: diversifies my portfolio and I learned something new towards my interests
        • Time bound: 6 to 12 months.
      • Develop portfolio displaying my diverse skills:
        • specific: creating A comprehensive portfolio.
        • measurable: include at least five project references
        • achievable: helps in gaining recognition and potential job opportunities
        • Time bound: hopefully in the next six months
    2. Long-term Goals (3-5 years and beyond):
      • Establishing a career that integrates organisation psychology with healthcare, agriculture and technology:
        • aspiration: work in a role that combines my interests in psychology, healthcare, agriculture and technology.
        • alignment: it utilises my diverse said and passion for making Societal impact
      • Create a platform that benefits remote African communities:
        • aspiration: develop accessible programs or platforms for healthcare education and remote areas.
        • alignment: reflects my values and my long-term vision.
      • Innovate agricultural purposes through technology:
        • aspiration: implement soft solutions to improve forming techniques.
        • alignment: combines my interest in software development and agriculture.

    Part 4: Action Plan

    1. Steps to Achieve Short-term Goals:

      • Steps:
        • Focus on completing my honours program with desirable grades
        • research and compile my best work professional portfolio
        • explore resources and possible short courses in medicine and agricultural practices
        • network with professionals in healthcare like my dad and agriculture to understand potential initiatives
      • Resources and support:
        • Academic advisors, mentors, field professionals in organisational psychology
        • I already have a Behance , LinkedIn and webpage as my portfolio; just needs fixing.
        • educational resources for healthcare and agriculture
        • professional networks and industry conferences
    2. Preparation for Long-term Goals:

      • Preparation:
        • gain experience through internships or projects that integrate psychology with technology healthcare and agriculture
        • with professionals in my areas of interest
        • continuously and find my portfolio with new projects as mentioned
        • strengthening my Skill set with further education and certifications

    Part 5: Reflection on Challenges and Opportunities

    1. Anticipated Challenges:

      • Challenges:
        • balancing multiple interest AND projects
        • possible financial constraints for additional education or starting platform
        • navigating competitive job market, more specially because I am a foreigner.
      • Strategies to overcome:
        • Time management techniques to balance different activities
        • seeking scholarships for further education hopefully abroad
        • building a strong network support and opportunities
    2. Opportunities for Growth:

      • attending industry conferences, workshops and seminars as those held AT code space.
      • joining professional associations online communities in organisations psychology, healthcare and agriculture
      • leveraging social media to showcase my work and connect with industry professionals.

      And in the famous words of Frank Ocean "we all try, the boys try, the men try, the woman try, the men die, Woman cry, try, we all try… I don't believe in time travel and I don't believe our nation's (USA) flag is on the moon"