This repository contains PyTorch implementation of our IEEE WACV20 paper on Efficient Object Detection in Large Images with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Our paper can be found here.
We train two different detectors: (1) Fine level object detector and (2) Coarse level object detector. To parameterize the detectors, we use the YOLO-v3 network, however, you can use a detector of your choice. We use this repository to train the fine and coarse level detectors. In the paper, we use 320x320px and 64x64px images to train the fine and coarse level detectors. The coarse images represented with 64x64px is the downsampled version of the high resolution images represented with 320x320 px. Each image ideally should represent a window of the large images that we process for object detection.
Once we train the object detectors, we run them on the training and testing images for the Policy Network. The large training images for the Policy Network should be different than the training images for the object detectors since the object detectors perform much better on the seen images. Next, we run the coarse and fine level detectors on the windows from the large images and save the unnormalized bounding boxes into a numpy array as
- Fine Detector:
x_topleft, y_topleft, x_bottomright, y_bottomright, objectness score, confidence, class
211.20288 100.87493 220.11127 114.58396 0.99493 0.99999 1.00000
228.52379 100.65227 235.81398 115.50450 0.98328 0.99998 1.00000
- Coarse Detector:
x_topleft, y_topleft, x_bottomright, y_bottomright, objectness score, confidence, class
209.20288 102.87493 225.11127 111.58396 0.95493 0.99901 1.00000
224.52379 103.65227 239.81398 116.50450 0.89328 0.99965 1.00000
Each numpy array needs to be saved into the coarse or fine detector folder in the following format:
'{}_{}_{}.npy'.format(image_name, x index of the window, y index of the window)
The numpy arrays for the fine and coarse level detectors should be saved into two different folders (see the hierarchy below).
Additionally, we save the mAR values for each window of the large image as follows:
mAR for window 1,1 ... ... ... mAR for window 1,N
mAR for Window N,1 ... ... ... mAR for window N,N
The matrix is then saved into a numpy file in the following format: '{}{}.format(image_name, detector_type)'
. If your application prioritizes precision over recall, you can use mAP values to train the Policy Network.
Next, we save the ground truth for each image, i.e. image1_0_0, in a text file into the directory ./data/your_dataset/basedir_groundtruth/image1_0_0.txt. The bounding box coordinates scaled to [0,1] and label should be written as follows:
label_idx x_center y_center width height
Finally, we should enter the directories of the folders created in this section into the file. Your hierarchy of folders should follow a format similar to the one below.
├── ./data/your_dataset/
├── train.csv
├── valid.csv
├── base_dir_detections_fd
├── base_dir_detections_cd
├── base_dir_groundtruth
├── base_dir_metric_fd
├── base_dir_metric_cd
In the next step, we train the Policy Network. In the paper, we use ResNet34 to parameterize the Policy Network, however, you can try a shallower network such as ResNet18. We perform experiments on the xView and Caltech-Pedestrian Detection datasets. By a large image, we refer to images that have more than 1000px in each dimension. We need to list the training and test large images in a csv file as follows.
image name, location
xxxxx, /path/to/folder/xxxxx.jpg
Training and test csv files can be saved as train.csv and val.csv into the ./data/your_dataset/ folder.
Next, we train the Policy Network as follows.
--lr 1e-4
--cv_dir checkpoint directory
--batch_size 512 (larger is better)
--data_dir directory containing csv files
--alpha 0.6
To visualize the training and test steps in tensorboard, use the following command.
tensorboard --logdir=cv_dir/logs/
Finally, you can cite our paper as:
title={Efficient object detection in large images using deep reinforcement learning},
author={Uzkent, Burak and Yeh, Christopher and Ermon, Stefano},
booktitle={The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},
For questions or comments, please send an e-mail to or use the issue tab in github.