
to test the APIs using restAssured framework

Primary LanguageHTML



It will have functions to set header and URLs


It has methods to read/modify the json files .gitignore


To read specific requests from testData.

( Prerequisite)

  1. Install Java or check if Java is installed on your machine.
  2. Install IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ
  3. Install Build tool - Maven from here https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi.

Creating Maven project in Eclipse

  1. In IntelliJ go to Project > New Project > Build System > Select Maven

Importing existing project:

Clone the Repo using> git clone

To follow better what is going on.

mvn -X -e clean test

To run the tests

$> mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testSuite.xml -DEnv=Dev