Proect Name: Jpapply application form. This project is design ffor student to apply for any tech role. is a simple and well explain application form It was built with VUE.js. because of the simple usuage of javascript template.

this project is one man proect mean it was built by just me, i decide to work on this alone because of a reason know to me sorry i can't say for now. have gone through verious application form online and i say how techinical it was, so i decide to go for this. like i said i made use of VUE.js and when i got lost in some part i refered to the vue.js documantation and also chatgpt.

For now this project is just frontend built no database or backend in it, due to time and other factors. also no Licensing to this project for now

planning on completing the project later. acutally working on my main project currently. so below is a link of the deployed site, currently is not phone friendly for now due tpo time. but i will deploying a new project soon. this is deployed site link.