
Skeleton for a Vert.x project using Gradle as build tool; including guice injection setup, unit test, JUL logging

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

This is a Vert.x skeleton project with some basics pre-setup (most of them could be easily swapped):

  • Gradle as build tool
  • Shadow plugin for fat jar creation
  • JUL starting point
  • Guice for dependency injection
  • JOOQ as persistence layer (configured for CockroachDB/PostgreSQL)
  • An example verticle & accompanying integration test using WireMock

Getting started

  • gradlew eclipse - generates project files to import the project into eclipse (Edit build.gradle if you want another IDE)
  • gradlew clean build -x test - clean & build the project, don't run the tests
  • gradlew runJar - convencience task to run the Vert.x project (Edit build.gradle if you want to adjust the arguments)
  • After runJar navigate to http://localhost:8080/swanson to see an awesome Ron Swanson quote
  • gradlew generateJooq - convencience task to run the JOOQ code-generator (Edit jooq-config.xml to adjust behaviour)

What to find where