
ChessBrain :black_large_square: :white_large_square: is a web based application which predicts chessboard FEN layouts from Chessboard images using the concepts of Image processing and Deep Learning.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A gist of the application!!

Machine learning is one of the fastest-growing and most exciting fields out there, and deep learning represents its true bleeding edge. ChessBrain ​is a web application that leverages deep learning and websockets to accomplish a complete solution for chess enthusiasts. What we are going to accomplish in this project is to build a web platform which will be able to load a game of chess from any given image that might contain a still frame of a chess board. This platform will enable players to set up a chess board without the hassle of moving the pieces and setting it up yourself. Platform will feature a chess engine for a solo play and will also support multiplayer.