
Open source SNS engine

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

About Flockbird

  • Flockbird is an OSS SNS Engine.
  • Flockbird is builted by PHP Framework FuelPHP1.8
  • License is MIT.
  • Flockbird
  • Demo


  • Apache2.2 or more (need mod_rewrite)
  • PHP5.4 or more
  • MySQL5.0 or more

Getting Started

1. Set and edit config file (config.php)

$ cp config.php.sample config.php
$ vi config.php

Domain setting (optional)

define('FBD_DOMAIN', 'sns.example.com');// if use Internationalized Domain, set Punycode here.
  • If you send mails by task, You need this.

Path setting (optional)

define('FBD_URI_PATH', '/');// set setting path, if not set on document root
  • If you set at other than DocumentRoot、you need this.
  • You need git commit after step "2. Run script to setup", because a file under managed by git is changed.

DB Connectuion setting

$GLOBALS['_FBD_DSN']['production'] = array(
  'default' => array(
    'connection'  => array(
      'dsn'        => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname',
      'username'   => 'root',
      'password'   => '',
    'profiling' => true,
  'charset' => 'utf8',
  • If use 4byte UTF8 charset on MySQL, set utf8mb4 at charset section.

Encryption Key setting (by ASCII chars)

define('FBD_ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'put_some_key_for_encryption_in_here');

2. Run script to setup

$ sh bin/setup/setup.sh

3. Cron setting

  • Add the following on /etc/crontab
# Send notification mail by 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * root php /path_to_Flockbird/oil r notice::sendmail > /dev/null
*/5 * * * * root php /path_to_Flockbird/oil r message::sendmail > /dev/null

Optional settings

If save uploaded files on AWS S3

Add the following in composer.json

"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.*"

Set about AWS on config.php

// AWS settings
define('FBD_AWS_ACCESS_KEY', '');
define('FBD_AWS_SECRET_KEY', '');
define('FBD_AWS_S3_BUCKET', '');
define('FBD_AWS_S3_PATH', '');