Terraform StaticSite on AWS

Deploy AWS Resources for Static Site by Terraform

Create AWS S3 Bucket for terraform state and frontend config

Create S3 Bucket named "your-terraform-config-bucket"


You need below

  • aws-cli >= 1.29.X
  • Terraform >= 1.7.2
Example Installation Terraform by tfenv on mac
brew install tfenv
tfenv install 1.7.2
tfenv use 1.7.2

1. Edit Terraform config file

Copy sample file and edit variables for your env

cd (project_root_dir)
cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
vi terraform.tfvars

2. Set AWS profile name to environment variable

export AWS_PROFILE=your-aws-profile-name
export AWS_REGION="ap-northeast-1"

3. Execute terraform init

Command Example to init

terraform init -backend-config="bucket=your-deployment" -backend-config="key=terraform/your-project/terraform.tfstate" -backend-config="region=ap-northeast-1"

4. Execute terraform apply

terraform apply -var-file=./terraform.tfvars