
UzysSpringBoardView is UI component which is similar to the iOS HomeScreen

Primary LanguageObjective-C



UzysSpringBoardView is UI component which is similar to the iOS HomeScreen(also known as SpringBoard)


  • Add Item dynamically
  • Move & reorder Items by drag & drop between several pages.
  • Delete item


  1. Drag the 'UzysSpringBoard' forder into your project (UzysSpringBoardItem.h/m , UzysSpringBoardView.h/m)

  2. If you want know which item is removed, reordered, you should use UzysSpringBoardViewDelegate on ViewController

  3. Initialize UzysSpringBoardView

    gridView =[[UzysSpringBoardView alloc ] initWithFrame:self.view.frame numOfRow:3 numOfColumns:3];
    gridView.delegate =self;
  4. Add Items

    for(int i=0;i < 50;i++)
        UzysSpringBoardItem *tmp=[[[UzysSpringBoardItem alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectNull] autorelease];
        tmp.textLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Index %d",i];
            tmp.deletable = NO;
        [gridView insertItem:tmp];
  5. in order to update uiview you should call reloadData

    [gridView reloadData];