
My solutions to CSS Battle challenges.

Welcome! 👋

This is a repository where I upload my solutions for each CSS Battle problems I have solved. Feel free to take a glance. 😉

WTF is CSS Battle?

Css Battle Logo

Read their about page.

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Table of Contents

Battle #1 - Pilot Battle

Battle #1 Gallery

  1. Simply Square
  2. Carrom
  3. Push Button
  4. Ups n Downs
  5. Acid Rain
  6. Missing Slice
  7. Leafy Trail
  8. Forking Crazy
  9. Tesseract
  10. Cloaked Spirits
  11. Eye of Sauron
  12. Wiggly Moustache

Battle #2 - Visibility

Battle #2 Gallery

  1. Totally Triangle
  2. Web Maker Logo
  3. Overlap
  4. Eye of the Tiger
  5. Fidget Spinner
  6. Matrix

Battle #3 - Cursor

Battle #3 Gallery

  1. Cube
  2. Ticket