Assets management API made easy for any company that needs top level maintanance as fast as it can be.
Api for assets management, where a user, as a part of a company, can add, update, check and delete assets and it's data.
This API data is deployed on heroku, and you should be able to access all the endpoints and data on the link below:
Heroku deploy:
POST /companies
Create a new company
{ "name": "string", "cnpj": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "name": "required", "cnpj": "required, 14 numeric characters only" }
GET by CNPJ /companies/:cnpj
Get a registered company data by it's CNPJ
{ "cnpj": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "cnpj": "required, 14 numeric characters only" }
POST /users
Create a new user
{ "name": "string", "cpf": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "role": "string", "companyId": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "name": "required", "cpf": "required, 11 numeric characters only", "phoneNumber": "required, 11 numeric characters only", "role": "required", "companyId": "required, must be a valid company id" }
GET by CPF /users/:cpf
Get a registered user data by it's CPF
{ "cpf": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "cpf": "required, 11 numeric characters only" }
GET Company by user CPF /users/:cpf/company
Get a registered company data by it's user's CPF
{ "cpf": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "cpf": "required, 11 numeric characters only" }
PUT Update user data /users/:cpf
Update a registered user data by it's CPF
{ "cpf": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "cpf": "required, 11 numeric characters only" }
{ "name": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "role": "string" }
DELETE Delete user /users/:cpf
Delete a registered user by it's CPF
{ "cpf": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "cpf": "required, 11 numeric characters only" }
POST /units
Create a new unit of a registered company
{ "name": "string", "address": "string", "companyId": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "name": "required", "address": "required", "companyId": "required, must be a valid company id" }
GET unit by name /units/:name
Get a registered unit data by it's name
{ "name": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "name": "required" }
GET units by CompanyId /units/company
Get all registered units data by it's company id
{ "company-id": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "company-id": "required, must be a valid company id" }
POST /assets
Register one or more assets for a registered unit
[ { "name": "string", "alias": "string", "model": "string", "images": ["string"], "description": "string", "status": "string", "healthLevel": "number", "ownerId": "string", "unitId": "string" } ]
Requirements :
{ "name": "required", "alias": "required", "model": "required", "images": "required, array of strings, must have at least one image", "description": "required", "status": "required, must be one of the following: 'RUNNING', 'ALERTING', 'STOPPED'", "healthLevel": "required, must be a number between 0 and 100", "ownerId": "required, must be a valid user id", "unitId": "required, must be a valid unit id" }
GET asset by alias /assets
Get a registered asset data by it's alias
{ "asset-alias": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "asset-alias": "required" }
GET assets by unitId /assets/:unitId
Get all assets from a registered unit
{ "unitId": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "unitId": "required, must be a valid unit id" }
PUT update asset data /assets
Update a registered asset data by it's alias
{ "asset-alias": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "asset-alias": "required, must an alias of a registered asset" }
DELETE delete asset /assets
Delete a registered asset by it's alias
{ "asset-alias": "string" }
Requirements :
{ "asset-alias": "required, must an alias of a registered asset" }
- MongoDB - Database
- Prisma - Database ORM
- Express - Server Framework
- NodeJs - Server Environment
- TypeScript - Language
- Heroku - Deployment
- Github Workflow - CD