
Simple Python script to determine which one of your 3913403248 shaders disassembly is being displayed in Razor.

How to use:

  1. Get python 3.6+
  2. Install requirements via python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Put your .gxp shaders into ./shaders_gxp.
  4. Put your disasm from Razor into ./input.txt. Don't worry about formatting.
  5. Put psp2shaderperf.exe into ./.
  6. Run the script with python3

How to read the output:

  1. The bigger the value, the more similar this shader is to your input.
  2. If there's one shader with value > 100, it’s the one.
  3. If there are several items with value > 100 probably there are extremely similar/duplicate shaders and you may need to compare the output by eye (unless there is one significantly bigger value like 150 or 200, then this one is the one).
  4. <100 is garbage and too different.