Data scraping
- 500 locations total needed
- Data is collected using Flickr API -
- Total number of images with location data collected ~77k
- Two locations are connected based on the subset of users visited both locations
- Location centroids are determined using k-means algorithm
Community Discovery Analyze and compare the modular structure of the crawled network sample. The results of at least three different algorithms should be presented. • K-clique (available in NetworkX) • DEMON (code available at • Louvain (code available at • Infomap (
Speading analysis Simulate a spreading process (SIS and/or SIR) both on the crawled data and on random graphs (i.e., ER and BA).
Random networks Analyze the crawled social/complex network sample and compare the obtained network statistics with 2 random graph models having the same number of nodes and edges, i.e. Erdős-Rényi (ER) random network model and the Barabási-Albert (BA) preferential attachment network model
Statistical analysis Determine the following:
- What the most popular locations in Finalnd?
- What is the busiest route?
- What are the most common picture names?
- /collecting_dataset: data scraping and dataset preprocessing
- /clustering: clustering the raw data and processing
- /datset:raw and finalized data in CSV format
- /plotting: examples of plotting spatial data on a map (geopandas, basemap and plain networkx)
- /project_tasks: network analysis mentioned above
- main_graph.ipyinb: a quick glance of the final graph and main network parameters