
Link to public Vagrant base box using virtualbox provider. It is Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Desktop with plain GUI. See the file aws_public_url.txt for a link to the Vagrant box stored on AWS. It's ~2.4G, so download from a fast connection.

Add box to vagrant


vagrant box add ADDRESS --name VALUE

Description From https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/cli/box.html:

This adds a box with the given address to Vagrant. The address can be one of three things: 3. URL directly a box file. In this case, you must specify a --name flag (see below) and versioning/updates won't work.

--name VALUE - Logical name for the box. This is the value that you would put into config.vm.box in your Vagrantfile. When adding a box from a catalog, the name is included in the catalog entry and doesn't have to be specified.


vagrant box add package.box --name ubuntu1404x64-simple-desktop

Using with a Vagrantfile

After adding the box in the above steps, you can use this as the base box for https://github.com/v-dev/vagrant-devbox

Instead of config.vm.box = "phusion/ubuntu-14.04-amd64", use:

config.vm.box = "ubuntu1404x64-simple-desktop"