
Minimalist presentation tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visor is a minimalistic presentation tool.

More information found here.

It runs locally, and requires a .txt file with proper syntax as slides content.

The text file must contain attributes (information that defines the content), which can be formatted according to rules (simple inline formatting syntax).

To those who wish to use Visor in the web, without having to download the source and run it locally, it is hosted here. No custom images can be used if Visor is not hosted locally.

Attributes & Formatting

Interface Theming

fro: #000 determines interface background color

int: #000 determines interface text color

hil: #000 determines highlight color


img: image.png determines image for slide

img: #000 determines a solid color for the background of a slide

sec: section determines presentation section

col: #000 determines text color in content

til: title determines title of slide

sho: false determines the visibility of the title

con: content determines content of the slide

not: notes determines notes of the slide

- text determines indented list item

= determines the beginning of a slide

//comment determines a comment and will be ignored by the parser

+ determines a line break


#[text>link] creates link

_[text] makes text italic

*[text] makes text bold

Content and notes are the only attributes that can be formatted with rules.

rules can be nested.


, goes back 1 slide

. goes forward 1 slide

n turns notes on/off on the given slide, if any are present

s hides and unhides sidebar


Visor's parser is not whitespace-based, meaning line breaks need to be declared manually by writing + at the start of a line.

When a slide doesn't have a con attribute, it will automatically make the title large and centered. Otherwise, it'll create a typical slide.

If any theming attributes are left empty, the default theme will be used for that attribute.

If attributes like img, sec, or col are left empty after they've been previously declared, future slides will retain the same img, sec, and col, meaning that there's no need to redundantly describe each slide's section, image, and text color, if it's the same as the previous slide.

Once a presentation file has been created, it simply needs to be dropped on the drop zone seen when opening Visor's index.html file.

The img attribute automatically searches in root folder called images.

All attributes are optional, not including one (or many) in a slide definition is completely fine.


This repository features an example presentation in presentations/example.txt.