Vodafone technical test

High-level design

Here below is the workflow of the entire system:

alt text

Server side API design

Technology stack

For the backend, the technology stack is the following:

  • Python as the programming language. This choice is mainly motivated by my personal proficiency and the fact that performance is not a concern in a small scale project.
  • apistar as the framework for buidling the API. Other alternatives such as flask were also on the table but the decision was made towards apistar since it has the same level of verbosity and ease of use as flask but provides an OpenAPI 3.0.0 API specification out of the box. This hence provides a better documentation for any reviewer to go through.
  • peewee as the ORM. This choice was made due to its simplicity when compared to the well-known sqlalchemy ORM. Since simplicity is very advantageous when realising a small project as it allows better readability of the codebase. I believe that makes it a very good choice.


Referring to figure 1, you can see in green the technical component that represents the server-side API. This service is exposed via a REST API using and provides an OpenAPI schema that can be used to generate any client code (useful if later we migrate to a custom webhook). Although the application uses an ORM for persisting data, the altter is only an in-memory database which means that all data are lost whenever the process is terminated. However, this can be changed reasonably quickly in an hypothetical future.

PLease also note that functional tests were written and are available under the basket_manager.tests package.

Middleware design

Technology stack

In order to connect the backend API to a chatbot, the choice was made to integrate it with the Google assistant using the Google-provided dialogflow NLP framework.

Since I personally did not have any prior experience with any chatbot technology, this choice was not motivated by any major reason apart from the fact that I am more accustomed to other Google technologies when compared to Amazon with Amazon Alexa for example.

In order to create this middleware, connectors had then to be made between the voice/keyboard inputs being intepreted by dialogflow and the server-side API which is responsible to fulfill the incoming user intents. Two alternatives were then available:

  • Building a custom webhook that would be called in order to fulfill intents. The advantage of this approach is the level of flexibility that you get since you own and manage all the code being executed. It also allows you to choose your programming language of choice.
  • Using the inline editor in order to implement cloud functions for Firebase. This options is a better choice when it comes to simplicity. Indeed, this comes with an automatic deployment via Google cloud and an access to all complete set of debugging tools straight out of the box. However, it requires one to use node.js as the programming language for implementing the middleware.

Given these two choices, I opted again for simplicity by using the cloud functions for firebase as the main objective is not to provide a complex middleware for now, but rather a simple middleware that glues together the business logic in the backend service and the chatbot interface.


Referring to figure 1, you can see in blue the technical component that represents the middleware. As previously mentionned, all the middleware are made up of cloud functions that are all located in a single file under the middleware/ folder.

Setup instructions

All the code is available at https://github.com/v-francoise/basket-manager/.

Server-side API deployment

NOTE: I did not finish the deployment of the server-side API however I will try to give some indications on how I intended to deploy it.

Using the app.yaml file provided, one should be able to deploy this application onto Google cloud (app engine).

gcloud app deploy

You should then see the following output

Services to deploy:

descriptor:      [<PROJECT_PATH>/app.yaml]
source:          [<PROJECT_PATH>]
target project:  [<GCLOUD_PROJECT>]
target service:  [default]
target version:  [20180829t232741]
target url:      [https://<GCLOUD_PROJECT>.appspot.com]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  

Beginning deployment of service [default]...
Created .gcloudignore file. See `gcloud topic gcloudignore` for details.

Middleware deployment

In order to deploy the Dialogflow configuration and the middleware:

Compress the dialogflow/ folder as a zip:

zip -r dialogflow.zip dialogflow

Then, import the dialogflow.zip into a new dialogflow agent

After that, you will have to import the middleware. To do so, go to https://console.dialogflow.com/api-client/#/agent<AGENT_ID>/fulfillment and activate the inline editor. Once enabled, copy/paste the content of middleware/main.js into the editor. Then, before clicking on "Deploy", change the apiHost and the apiPort constants to match the endpoint for reaching the server-side API.

In my case, it should be somthing like: