Implements signal proragation in free space. Inspiered by Matlab's phased.FreeSpace and tested to have the same results. Accounts in calculations:
- time delay
- doppler effect
- signal loss
- Propagation speed > origin velocity
- Propagation speed > destination velocity
- Initial distance >> relative velocity * broadcast time
generateTests.m - код на матлабе для генерации тестов - generates a set of tests with different parameters (random or predefined), saves it in .mat file (and maybe .pickle file for Python) Outputs: * operating_frequency * sample_rate * two_way_propagation * signal * origin_pos * dest_pos * origin_vel * dest_vel - runs existing tests (reads form .mat files) in Matlab by Matlab API for Python and saves results (to .mat or .picle). Internally runs matlab function. Outputs: * y - runs existing tests in FreeSpace and saves results (or compares with Matlab's?) - checks if Matlab's and Python's results are equal
Project uses Python 3.5.4 (it pointed in .python-version file)
Python requirements for using this code listed in requirements.txt
, also development requirements listed in dev-requirements.txt
Matlab version is R2016b (9.1), 64-bit(glnxa64)
We use Google Python Style Guide except line length set to 120.