
Implementation of signal propagation in free space

Primary LanguagePython

Free Space

Implements signal proragation in free space. Inspiered by Matlab's phased.FreeSpace and tested to have the same results. Accounts in calculations:

  • time delay
  • doppler effect
  • signal loss


  • Propagation speed > origin velocity
  • Propagation speed > destination velocity
  • Initial distance >> relative velocity * broadcast time

Test suite

generateTests.m - код на матлабе для генерации тестов

generateTests.py - generates a set of tests with different parameters (random or predefined), saves it in .mat file (and maybe .pickle file for Python) Outputs: * operating_frequency * sample_rate * two_way_propagation * signal * origin_pos * dest_pos * origin_vel * dest_vel

testMatlab.py - runs existing tests (reads form .mat files) in Matlab by Matlab API for Python and saves results (to .mat or .picle). Internally runs matlab function. Outputs: * y

testFreeSpace.py - runs existing tests in FreeSpace and saves results (or compares with Matlab's?)

compareTests.py - checks if Matlab's and Python's results are equal


Project uses Python 3.5.4 (it pointed in .python-version file) Python requirements for using this code listed in requirements.txt, also development requirements listed in dev-requirements.txt

Matlab version is R2016b (9.1), 64-bit(glnxa64)

Code style

We use Google Python Style Guide except line length set to 120.