
Secure Railway Reservation System using C language

Primary LanguageC


Secure Railway Reservation System using C language

This project uses the core concepts of data structures in C language and the concepts of file handling to create a railway reservation system.

AIM: To create secure and a faster railway reservation and management system and search system for trains and passenger details, to assign seats to passengers in waiting list and login system for securing booking details of passenger. This project aims at improving the railway management system which will be useful for authorities as well as to passenger, by creating secure and a faster railway reservation and search system for trains and passenger details.

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the system are-  To reduce paperwork.  Reduced operational time.  Increased accuracy and reliability.  Fast Process.  Data security.

SCOPE / APPLICABILITY: The scope of this project is not limited to an engineering project. This can be used in actual railway management system for faster access of data and better waitlist management. This method can also be used in other transport services. Other scopes of this project are as follows:  Freight revenue enhancement.  Passenger revenue enhancement.  Improved and optimized service.  Booking service is open 24/7 thereby removing time constraints.  Hassle free booking.

Problems faced at the end of the project:

(i) This program does not work in Linux systems as it uses a different compiler which does not have specific DOS command used in this program; hence it is not cross compatible. (ii) Aside from this there is also the problem of security. The database folder can be accessed by anyone who has access to the folder of the source code. (iii)There is also the problem of date and time. In order to maintain the Dates and time of travel, the complexity of the program has to be increased drastically. Each train must have each instance of it for every separate day. This will increase the size of the database and the program needs to be made to update the dates based on the system calendar. This level of complexity was not possible for this project and instead the trains were considered to be daily trains instead.

Other than this the program achieves its objective in being able to create a new reservation, cancel a reservation, change from waiting list to confirmed and displaying passenger information and train data. Screenshots of the working code along with explanation is below.