
simple text processing program which crawls imdb and extracts keywords with TextRank algorithm and crawls Digikala special offers and extracts some feature and shows them on web using Django framework

Primary LanguagePython

teamwork with Shokoofa Ghods

text processing on imdb top 250 movies

quick overview

  • extracting keywords from storylines
  • maintaining a weighted graph between movies in which the movies' names are nodes & links are common keywords
  • saving graph details as csv file


  • scraping the storyline with beautiful soup library and regex
  • using textRank algorithm for extracting the keywords
  • tokenizing, deleting stopwords, lemmatizing
  • producing the weighted graph
  • ploting the graph with networkx library

Alt text

scraping digikala speciall offer products

quick overview

  • crawling special offers page
  • extracting name, price and sale's amount of product
  • showing the results in a web page using django framework


  • scraping with BeautifulSoup library
  • using regex for extracting exact details
  • saving files into json and csv format
  • using django fixtures for populating database with the data derived from previous steps